15. NOV – 30. APR 2024: Daily

Departure times
08:45 / 09:45 / 10:15 (4h 15min)
Low Season
15.11.2023-19.12.2023 and 1.3.2024-30.4.2024
Adults: 2140NOK
Students: (16-17) 1926 NOK
High Season
20.12.2023 – 29.2.2024
Adults: 2540 NOK
Students: (16-17) 2286 NOK

Self-Drive Dog Sledding

Are you looking for fun, excitement, and a challenge? Try your hand as a musher and lead a team of sled dogs on an arctic adventure!

  • Introductory briefing and training of basic techniques of dogsledding.
  • Driving a two-person dog sled through the beautiful mountain landscape of Kvaløya-island. You will share the sled with another guest; one driving, one riding as the passenger, and at the halfway point you will switch.
  • Hot lunch by the open fire in our cozy gamme-hut; Bidos – a traditional Sami reindeer stew, our signature dessert chocolate cake, coffee and tea.

approx. 45 min self-drive dogsledding in a shared sled, transport (25 min each way), dog yard guiding & puppy visit, warm lunch, thermal suit & boots

08:45/09:45/10:15 – 13:00/14:00/14:30 (4h 15min)

Meeting time and place
15 min before departure in front of Radisson Blu Hotel

Please bring
Sunglasses (only Feb, Mar, Apr), gloves, and a hat.

Please note!
To participate in this tour, you must be 16 years or older. The tour is not suitable at any change of pregnancy!
Driving a sled also demands good physical fitness, including, but not limited to, the ability to jog uphill through snow, a good balance (also on one foot) and a tight grip.